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ADS-B stats: Useful addition to the ADS-B station

So last weekend I went to Frankfurt. I booked a single night at Staycity, and my plan was to just grab a light dinner and watch TV in the evening.

I tuned in to one of the German TV channels, and I was instantly reminded why we don't have TV at home: it's garbage.

Thankfully, I'd recently discovered the ADS-B stats logger project, and I thought it would make a nice addition to my ADS-B station. Although, the application worked without any tweaking, there were a few things I wanted to change. And a TV-less night at a hotel seemed like an ideal opportunity to do some poking around the existing code.

Python is decidedly not my jam, but I can read and tweak existing code if I have to. And because ADS-B stats logger is not a particularly complex piece of software, I did manage to change it to my liking.

Most of the changes aim to make the application work better with ADS-B station, plus a handful of tweaks here and there.

The tweaked application is now available under the ADS-B stats name on Codeberg. I plan to document how to use ADS-B stats with ADS-B station, but that's a project for another TV-less night at a hotel.

Published: 2024-12-20Reads: 99
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Linux user, amateur photographer, aviation enthusiast, clueless developer of ADS-B station, Pellicola and Tinble, author of a bunch of books. I can mix a decent Negroni, too. You can reach me at me@dmpop.xyz